I have this new project in my mond.
Since my two big guys Patch and Aiden an both form angelic decent they are in dying need of some feathers.
I remembered I had two angel wings decration stufed somewhere in my house.
After trashing the whole place just to find those things I discovered they were to small for them.
They did however have the right colors ( one black and one white ) So I was really bummed to find out they were to small.
And then my little lightbulb went on and I disected the wings to find out how they were made.
Turns out it is very simple to make yourself angels wings.
Now all I need is a big load of white and black feathers and some cardboard and ribbon.
Now cardboard is not so hard to get since I just received a BIG cardboard box with clothes for my little store... but the feathers is a whole other thing.
I am gonna try to find them at the local DIY store.
But I kinda know feathers there will be very expensive. I hate the idiotic DIY store prices here....
So before I can start making myself wings I need feathers...
As soon as I find the feathers I will make sure to photograph my steps in making the wings in a step by step how-to-make
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