Picture info:
Maddox is a Doll family H '13 anniversary event head on a DOD body and blongs to me
Face-up : by me
The story behind the picture:
I'd like you all to meet my new character, Maddox. Yes character, cause the doll was one I already owned.
This head used to be Jules.
I hear you asking, why change a character?
It all started with my Dream of doll Code 2 head who was named Jillian.
When I got Jillian for my birthday I was overjoyed and absolutely happy with him. He had borrowed Jules his wig, his eyes and his clothes until he got a pair of eyes and a wig for himself. I absolutely loved the look he had with the borrowed stuff, and I tried to keep the way he looked all cocky and bored with his new stuff.
Soon he was given his own wig and eyes and Jules was given his own stuff back and it all seemed alright. But the clothing he had borrowed remained him for the time. I thought I had kept that cockiness with his new stuff and I was happy.
But the as time progressed I started to get frustrated with him. I could not find that cock bastard in him anymore and he looked like a mess with the wig that just didn't want to work with me and the eyes that were to dull for my taste.
The frustration with the guy heated up so much I thought of reshelling him into another character. But no matter how hard I tried and no matter how many times I went over the chara's I still had wanting to be dollized. I just could not find the right character for him. I started trying eyes and wig of my other dolls to see what would suit him, perhaps I would get a hint of who he was by doing that. But every time I came back to Jules his wig and eyes. He was till wearing Jules his clothes too.
That was when my best friend told me... why not make him Jules?
She told me that she had thought he was Jules when I first got him and was still borrowing Jules his things.
And that got the huge rock rolling.
She was right, My little inspi fairy as I like to call her was right AGAIN. Thank you dear!
All that time I had been struggling with the guy.... all that time... he had been meant to be Jules.
And thus the change was made, he was given Jules his wig, eyes and a new "jules" face-up. And I love him to bits now.
But that left me with the head of old Jules.... who was he gonna be?
I went over the same process with him as I did with Jules...
Trying on wigs, trying out eyes.... what would fit him best?
There were two wigs that suited him and I had a hard time deciding which one to go for. I gave him Jillians eyes and those suited him perfectly.
after dubbing and some help from my little inspi fairy we came up with Maddox. I was still having a hard time seeing Maddox in the head. and I didn't know why. I half decided to make him Maddox, but kept an open mind for change.
The reason of my doubts..... his face-up.
His face-up was still Jules so that needed to go. I got to that as soon as I could.
As I layered on his face-up I kept on switching between the two wigs I thought would suit him best and it became clear very soon that this one wig looked way better on his than the other.
And the closer I came to finishing him the more I felt Maddox arising in him.
And that was when it was all said and done.
Now you know why and.... how hihihi.
Hope you enjoyed my looooong babble story!